Photo: J.T. Liss (Photography For Social Change)
off the mat and into the world founder seane corn occupied wall street this week to lead a crowd in a chant stating:
“Our intention for being here is to support with all the men, women , and children, who because of lack of opportunity, dissapointment, dissatisfaction, and anger, are finally feeling the need to rally together as a community to exercise their first amendment right, Freedom of speech, as well as Freedom of Assembly. To speak to truth that is perpetually separating all Americans from happiness, health, and prosperity. What is happening out here is yoga because it is about connection, community, unity, love, truth, happiness. This is why we are here. To lend our voice. To show our support, and to show what we stand for not against. We stand for unity. We stand for opportunity. We stand for equality. We stand for love. The most important thing we need to remember is that this matters. You matter. We matter. All of us matter. It’s a bout 100% love, 100%unity, 100% peace, 100% of the time.”
for more info check out the Remaining Human blog post on elephant journal - a buddhist perspective on occupy wall st that makes for some interesting reading shared in a positive light xx